CEE Blog
Welcome to the CEE Blog
Our goal is to spark ideas and inspire educational improvement. We are partnering with experts, authors and researchers to bring you relevant, timely and creative ways to support your work and professional growth.
School Leadership and Curating School Culture
Culture is still king. Perhaps even more in times of trouble. Culture is the function, the element, the muscle that ensures a healthy, effective learning environment.
Over what turned out to be our six-part blog series on culture, Sean Slade and I, along with guest blog contributors, Victoria Rodrigue and Maria Garcia explored the gamut as it relates to culture. Some of the most salient insights include:
• Culture is king and the school leader is the curator
• Maintaining and improving culture is a daily practice, and coaching helps
The Power of One-on-One: Conversations, Data, and Short Cycle Wins
There is no substitute, and no shortcut, for one-on-one conversations with staff members. As a relationship-focused principal, I have always leaned on individual in-person conversations. However, I used this tool in a targeted way to move my school forward through a sticky spot I didn’t know it was in
HELP! I am a leader floundering in a toxic culture…and it may be because of me.
As leaders, it has never been more important to address the culture of our schools. The past two years have highlighted the role that a safe, consistent and welcoming culture can have on our teachers and our students.
Culture, however, can be beneficial or it can be toxic. Our first two blogs of this series named this proverbial elephant in the room. This piece hits squarely on a leadership challenge: What is the leader’s contribution to building a healthy culture or allowing a toxic culture to persist?