Student Wellness
and Achievement
Maximize Student Success with Comprehensive Insights
Universal Screening is the bedrock of the MTSS system. Most of us remember hearing and vision screening. Vision screening illustrates how a school nurse, or other staff with minimal training, can quickly determine which students fall into the normal vision range and need no further diagnosis or prescription. As students are identified as outside of the range, they receive additional time and attention.
With a supportive and objective approach to training for district administrators and school staff, CEE’s areas of expertise include analysis of EES data for school improvement planning, effective leadership through communities of practice, coaching and book studies.
Delivers proven, trauma-sensitive, social and emotional learning (SEL) strategies and tools ready for classrooms, buildings or district-wide.
In six practical, flexible training modules, you’ll develop a toolkit based on the latest research that will allow you to elevate student learning while decreasing stress levels and potential burnout among staff.