Student Universal
Wellness Screener
Improve supports for ALL students
CEE's Student Universal Wellness Screener (SUWS) is a game-changer for districts taking their MTSS and PBIS systems to the next level. Empowering counselors, administrators, and educators, the SUWS goes beyond identification, offering a roadmap for targeted diagnostic follow-up. Access student perceptual data through an easy-to-use interactive dashboard designed to inform decision-makers with a data-based rationale for program development, resource allocation, and tiered interventions.
Surface equity issues and disaggregate data through analysis tools that filter for grade-level, ethnicity, gender, categorical program participation and across district, school, classroom, and individual student levels. Analyze student responses across academic, social, emotional, and belonging & identity domains to align your organization’s response to real-time needs of all your students. The power to respond effectively is yours with SUWS as your behavioral health and social emotional screening tool.
Our Approach:
Analyzing trends in data
Designing tailored interventions
Detecting students who might be silently struggling
Supporting data informed decision making
Promoting a positive school climate
Enhancing academic achievement
Equitable response to student need
Right sized for each student
Students don’t fall through the cracks
Targeted and effective supports
Safe and supportive learning environment
Create learning conditions for each and every student
Steven Leifsen, former Executive Director of Equity and Student Support
White River School District
Using the student SEL screener has allowed us to move away from teacher surveys ABOUT student's SEL needs, and move closer to hearing accurately from students regarding their personal strengths and concerns regarding SEL. Combining this data with teacher perception data allows us to make data-based decisions on Tier I supports for all students and targeted needs for individuals or specific groups of students.
Randy Russell, Superintendent,
Freeman School District
The CEE Student Screener is an excellent tool which provides teachers, counselors and administrators the important and necessary information they need to best support their students in real-time!