The Whole Educator Series
FLIPPING THE SCRIPT: Turn power struggles into positive interactions
REAL-WORLD SEL STRATEGIES: Classroom reset, boosting engagement, and more
RESTORING HOPE, DIGNITY, & SAFETY: Restorative reset and bullying prevention
SCHOOLWIDE SEL STRATEGIES: De-escalation spaces, emotion checks, reset space
SEL POWER STRATEGIES: Youth mental health assessment and instruction strategies; youth leadership menu
FUNCTION-BASED INTERVENTIONS: Avoidance strategies; attendance intervention; next steps to implementation
The 6 Key Strategies you’ll learn to implement:
GREG BENNER, Ph.D., delivers proven, trauma-sensitive, social, and social-emotional learning (SEL) strategies and tools ready for classrooms, buildings, or district-wide.
Turning power struggles into positive interactions
Classroom reset, boosting engagement and more
Restorative reset, bully prevention
De-escalation spaces, emotion checks, reset space
Youth mental health assessment and instruction strategies; youth leadership menu
Avoidance strategies; attendance intervention; next steps to implementation
Helen and Pat O’Sullivan Professor at University of Alabama
Co-founder Tacoma Whole Child Initiative
PBIS Network President’s Award recipient
Celebrated speaker and author
Craig Shurick, President, CWS Consulting, former OSPI Director of Operations, Elementary, Middle & High School Principal
Having worked with Dr. Benner in my WA state director position and after serving as a High School, Middle School and Elementary Principal, I found Dr. Benner to be “the real deal.” When it came to discussing approaches to SEL, ACEs or other trauma-informed practices, Dr. Benner has forgotten more than I would ever know. He is a consummate professional with a delivery style that is both engaging and informative. All so important now in this Pandemic world. Enjoy this exciting launch.
Frank Hewins, Chair of the Board of Directors at Franklin Pierce Foundation, former Franklin Pierce Superintendent
As a former supt. of Franklin Pierce SD, we tapped into the expertise of Dr. Benner for many years while he was in Tacoma. He does an outstanding job!
Taunya Brown, Principal, Orchard Middle School, Wenatchee Public Schools
I am excited to share this resource with staff because Dr. Benner brings clarity to the intersection of social emotional learning and PBIS. I believe our staff will be able to implement the strategies and ideologies shared in this video series to better support students as they return to full time learning this year.