Board leadership that drives results
CEE recognizes that the effectiveness of any organization is rooted in effective leadership that starts with the organization’s board of directors and its relationship to their Superintendent. Coherent Governance®, a model for effective board governance emphasizing the clarity of roles and responsibilities between boards and Superintendents, is a proven, user-friendly system that avoids board immersion in daily operations and enables boards to lead without barriers inadvertently created by its own governance model. The model consists of four interrelated policy types: (1) Governance Culture policies establish the board's overall culture and commitments. (2) Board/Superintendent Relations policies define the Superintendent’s job description, authority delegation, and accountability. (3) Operational Expectations policies guide the board's values on operational functions, aiming to guide decisions without board micromanagement. (4) Results policies define expected outcomes, focusing on organizational performance towards client benefits.
Our Approach:
Comprehensive policy approach delineating board and Superintendent responsibilities
A values-based system that holds the board and Superintendent roles together
Board focus is on governance culture, priorities and policy process for the organization
Superintendent focus is on achieving operational expectations set by the board
Provides a catalyst for good governance benefiting staff, students and community
Coherent Governance® proactively prevents board focus on day-to-day activities and Superintendent from setting policy
Prevents role confusion between board and Superintendent
Integrates policy-setting and operational aspects of good governance
Supports board role clarity and effectiveness through changes in membership
Clearly sets expectations for Superintendent without prescribing specific means
Presents a unified approach to community-based board leadership
Establishes checks and balances approach to governance for systemic effectiveness