Leadership 360™
Formative, perceptual data—
not evaluative
Educational research indicates the importance of leaders engaging in a continual growth process to make a positive impact on the organizations they serve. The EES Leadership 360 Survey™ is a comprehensive online tool that adapts to a leader’s self-reported effectiveness and feedback from peers, colleagues, supervisors and staff. The survey questions follow a progressive path of leadership development, and the result report shows the relative strengths of leaders against SLP (School Leader Paradigm) intelligences and PSEL (Professional Standards for Educational Leaders) standards.
Centered around a Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle of inquiry, leaders follow a proven evidence-based approach that models the effective use of formative data. Leaders increase organizational trust and effectiveness by acting upon the perceptual feedback of stakeholders. Additional reflection, goal setting and growth planning facilitated by CEE leadership coaches fuels professional and organizational transformation.
Our Approach:
Visualization of perceptual data for each leader
Goal-setting informed by formative data
Data-driven Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle of inquiry
Aligned to educational leadership standards
Skill development embedded in current context
Connecting leader’s learning to cultural transformation
Increased relational trust across stakeholders
Positive individual and organizational impact
Actionable insights leading to effective implementation
Coherence between leadership standards and leader’s actions
Skills developed in connection to real problems of practice
Learning that transforms organizational culture