Ready, Set, Grow! Back-to-School Resources for Busy Educational Professionals


Author: Steven Dahl, M.Ed.
Director of K-12 Systems Change & Content Implementation
The Center for Educational Effectiveness


Rest, recharge & regroup. But first, the rest.

Steven Dahl  

Introduction: Regardless of the role you play as an educational professional – summertime is highly prized for non-work opportunities. Time with family, travel, and leisurely pursuits (pickleball, anyone?) along with staying cool are favorite pastimes. Time for rest and relaxation often brings opportunities for extended reflection on the prior year, and prioritization for the upcoming one. Hopefully you found time to rest, recharge and regroup for the busy school year ahead. 

You were super busy this past year, so we thought we’d give you an easy way to catch up on some of the learning you may have missed as you head into the 23-24 school year. 

Let’s start with our blog series focused on why school culture “is still king” and how to build a healthy school culture. In that 6-part blog series, experts Sean Slade (BTS Spark) and BTS Spark Partner Victoria Lynn Rodrigue collaborated with CEE’s Erich Bolz to address such timely and hard-hitting topics as teacher burnout and how to build a culture of relational trust that reduces barriers and the “I vs. They Gap” amongst staff. With clear links to CEE’s Outlier Study and the importance of a healthy school culture, expanding the notion of teacher wellness beyond just “self-care” techniques was made clear. 

After that, with the myriad of school complexities in full swing, we provided a 5-part blog series co-authored with Dr. Greg Benner focusing on Whole Child trauma-informed practices. Our readers learned about practical strategies such as the 2X10 relationship-building strategy, the FAST Method for understanding how to effectively respond to challenging behaviors, how to implement non-verbal cuing to prevent disruptions, and game-changing techniques to turn disruptive students into classroom leaders. You can access all of these strategies – and many more – in CEE’s online course featuring Dr. Benner’s teaching in The Whole Educator Series course.  

In Spring of 23, in recognition that “isolation kills”, we focused on supporting leaders with practical strategies to design their own self-care through empathy in order to effectively support the needs of others. This 3-part blog series provided a number of practice strategies for empowering others to ensure distributed leadership. We explained the difference between professional mentors and coaches and how having both is highly advantageous to any administrator’s welfare. We dug even deeper into effective self-care design principles and articulated how all design is rooted in empathy. Because isolation kills, we were sure to share a number of methods for connecting to other professions such as the Mastermind professional learning cohorts provided by CEE.  

By the numbers – 14 different blogs to ensure that you were provided cutting edge, relevant content that has proven to make a difference for staff, students, and busy administrators. Amazingly insightful resources. Implementing any of these game-changing strategies could change your outlook on the 23-24 school year.  

But wait – there’s more! 

The Outliers in Education podcast continues to attract, inspire and inform educators across the nation. Rooted in the findings of the Outlier Study, CEE recruits thought leaders making an impact in ways that align with what CEE’s research indicates is proven to work.  

With a fresh podcast each month, you now have over 30 podcasts to choose from. Consider just a handful of topics you may have missed during the 22-23 school year: 

And our latest podcast to drop:

With content that is relevant to the work you do, be sure to check out the Outliers in Education podcast.  

At CEE, we are excited to help you get the 23-24 school year off and growing in the right direction!  



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