CEE Blog
Welcome to the CEE Blog
Our goal is to spark ideas and inspire educational improvement. We are partnering with experts, authors and researchers to bring you relevant, timely and creative ways to support your work and professional growth.
Know Better, Do Better: Minding the Gap is Where It’s At
So how does one measure culture? Contrary to the prevailing beliefs of some, culture can be quantified. The Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE) implements staff culture surveys and measures what we refer to as the “I vs. They” gap. This gap represents the difference in what a person believes about themselves (positive for most individual teachers) and what they perceive about their colleagues’ behavior (less positive). We judge ourselves by our intent and others by our perceptions of their behavior.
In this 2nd article of our Know Better, Do Better series, you will gain insights from our deep work with schools and districts and learn why - "Minding the Gap Is Where It's At"
Next Level Leadership Course Launches - Marketing Your School - Who’s Telling Your Story?
Today’s blog provides insight into the driving force for the NLL Courses being developed and in particular the first course on effectively marketing your educational organization.
Ready, Set, Grow! Back-to-School Resources for Busy Educational Professionals
In this blog, Ready, Set, Grow! Back-to-School Resources for Busy Educational Professionals, we provide a guide to the most important content about transforming your system to positively impact the work that you are so passionate about.
Design Thinking Starts with Empathy
Begin with empathy, and you will accelerate the effectiveness and efficiency of your efforts. Today’s blog provides a rationale and examples of how empathy leads to lasting and powerful learning experiences fostered by innovation.
Taking Care of Business – but Who Takes Care of You?
The principle of taking time to “sharpen the saw” as Stephen Covey recommended sounds great but for busy administrators it is easy to get lost in the sawdust. Today’s blog will provide a rationale for why professional mentors and coaches are vital relationships designed to help you stay sharp.
Empower Others to Power Leadership Excellence
In this series titled “Administrator Self-Care and Resilience by Design,” we will focus on actionable strategies that directly impact administrators and, as a result, positively impact the work of all others in their care.